On October 31, 2019, China’s aid agency CIDCA issued a draft of “Measures for the Use of Foreign Aid Logo” (对外援助标识使用管理办) for public consultation. They will replace the 2016 Measures issued by the Ministry of Commerce.
The new Measures clearly indicate that the Chinese government wants to increase the visibility of Chinese aid projects. Compared to 2016, the use range of use of the foreign aid logo was expanded and will now include medical equipment and medical teams, South-South Cooperation Fund funded projects and projects funded through concessional loans:
Art. 2
(1) Main building of foreign aid turnkey projects, large scale equipment, opening and completion ceremony, temporary facilities and construction site, and residential area of the project team 援外成套项目的主体建筑、大型机械设备、开竣工仪式、项目临时设施和施工工地、项目组驻地
(2) Aid materials and packaging 援外物资及包装
(3) Foreign aid activities related to human resources development and volunteer services 援外人力资源开发合作、志愿者服务等项目的有关活动
(4) Group quarters of technical cooperation programs 对外技术援助项目组驻地
(5) NEW: Medical equipment and activities of foreign aid medical teams 援外医疗队医疗设备和医疗活动
(6) NEW: Projects using funds from the South-South Cooperation Fund 南南合作援助基金项目约定使用的情形
(7) NEW: Projects using foreign aid concessional loans 援外优惠贷款项目约定使用的情形
(8) Documents and materials on foreign aid projects, work clothes, accessories and vehicles of foreign aid personnel 各类援外项目相关文件和资料,援外人员的工作服装、佩饰和交通工具
(9) Aid activities approved by CIDCA 经国际发展合作署同意举办的援外活动
(10) Foreign aid publications or other printed or audio-visual materials printed or published with the approval of CIDCA 经国际发展合作署同意印制或出版的有关援外刊物或其他印刷品和音像制品
(11) Other instances in which the use of the aid logo is deemed appropriate by CIDCA 国际发展合作署认为应当使用援外标识的其他情形
The use of the aid logo will be part of the international agreements signed between CIDCA and the recipients (Art. 14). For grant grant aid and interest-free loan projects, it will be a part of the project feasibility studies to determine how the foreign aid logo will be used (Art. 15).
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